Monday 12 September 2016


for all of you who play games definitely need steam steam wallet right? to buy items in the game can also create buy-playing games especially dota 2 definitely want to buy the item at heronya let appear kece
nih gan ane no way create steam dapetin wallet for free and legally of course, just follow the steps below
1. Download application whaff Rewards in PlayStore
2. After intsall to open appnya
3. Once your open click the login button, login ajaa use your Facebook account
4. After that there was a box invitation code
5. Enter the code AM39261
6. After you enter the above code would get $ 0.3, passable kaan, you stay until deh collect $ 10
7. How ngumpulinnya easy, just invite others or download the applications in the app
8. Each download the application you will receive a gift as a reward, the prize could be $ 0.17, $ 0.22 until $ 0.66
9. Every day you will get a reward if after downloading the application is not uninstalled longer tolerable daily kaan your money grow hehehe
10. Having collected $ 10 deh you can tukerin steam vouchers to gift cards,
11. Now you UDH interchangeable steam gift card for free,
12. The new code themselves UDH dapet you redeem in steam and steam deh keisi your wallet to buy an item or game
Test your bro do not give up first, collect $ 10 cepet anyway, I wrote a new 2 days already kekumpul $ 6.7, duitnya also gk just for steam, can also all games that are connected with PlayStore, or also to pay pal, facebook gift card

buat kalian semua yg maen game steam pasti butuh steam wallet kan? buat beli item yang ada di game bisa juga buat beli game apalagi yang suka main dota 2 pasti pada mau beli item biar heronya tampil kece
nih gan ane ada cara buat dapetin steam wallet secara gratis dan legal tentunya, ikuti aja langkah di bawah
1. Download aplikasi Whaff Rewards di playstore
2. Setelah ke intsall buka appnya
3. Seteah di buka klik tombol login, login ajaa pake akun facebook kalian
4. Abis itu ada kotak invitation code
5. Masukan kode AG62928
6. Setelah masukan kode diatas kalian bakal dapet $0.3, lumayan kaan, kalian tinggal ngumpulin deh sampe 10$
7. Cara ngumpulinnya gampang, tinggal invite orang lain atau download aplikasi yang ada di app tersebut
8. Setiap download aplikasi kalian akan mendapat hadiah sebagai reward, hadiahnya bisa $0.17, $0.22 sampe $0.66
9. Setiap hari kalian pun akan mendapat reward bila setelah di download aplikasi tersebut tidak di uninstall lagi lumayan kaan setiap hari uang kalian bertambah hehehe
10. Setelah terkumpul $10 baru deh kalian bisa tukerin ke voucher steam gift card,
11. Nah kamu udh dpt steam gift card secara gratis, 
12. udh dapet codenya baru kamu redeem di steam dan keisi deh steam wallet kamu buat beli item atau game
Coba dulu bro jangan nyerah duluan, ngumpulin $10 cepet kok, saya aja baru 2 hari udah kekumpul $6.7, duitnya juga gk cuma buat steam, bisa juga semua game yg terhubung dengan playstore, atau juga bisa untuk pay pal, facebook gift card, macem macem deh pokoknya